Monday, April 16, 2012

1 year surgeversary!!!

I am one year post bariatric surgery! 

 I'm only half way to my goal but I still have some major accomplishments under my belt!  I year without my beloved Dr. Pepper?  Who knew I had it in me?

By this time next year I want to be at my goal weight and want to celebrate by participating in the Color Run.  I think you should join me!


  1. Congrats Erin!! Halfway is amazing! Did you know that there's a Hindu festival that must have inspired the Color Run? It was shown on the Amazing Race last season and here's a link: - sounds crazy! Also, I've seen Dr. Pepper lip gloss - would that scratch the itch?!

  2. Happy Surgeversary, E! I'm proud of you :)

  3. This is totally you! Go for it!!
